1 ServiceMembership application form.pdf 1 ServiceMembership application form.pdf
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1 Police Service form.pdf 1 Police Service form.pdf
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Transfer-Membership.pdf Transfer-Membership.pdf
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Eligibility for membership of the NSW Police RSL sub-Branch is open to current  members of the New South Wales Police Force and/or Police Forces of other Nations and to those members who are retired or honourably discharged from such Police Force, providing the applicant has served in the Australian Defence Force, or served with or supported , or was otherwise engaged with the Australian Defence Force, or the Armed Forces of its Allies for a period of at least 6 months.

Executive and Committee 2020 - 2023

Patron: Commissioner K Webb, APM

Padre:  Senior Chaplain Suzanne Avery

President: Mr. Mervyn Morgan, JP.   

Hon. Secretary/Treasurer: Mr. Bruce Howe        

Honorary Auditor

Mr. David Walton.  B.Bus.,M.L&Mgt.,FAICD

Trustees:Messrs. P Inman, R Cook and B Howe.

Vice Presidents:                       

Messrs. P Inman and B Bernardi.                          

Committee members:

Ms. L Archer, and Messrs. R Rodgers, R Cook, P Biscoe, B Bernardi, P Vymys, McDonald, and B Breakspear.

Pensions and Welfare Officer: Messrs. M Morgan and A McDonald.