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New South Wales Police RSL sub-Branch
Originally founded in 1938 the NSW Police RSL sub-Branch was set up to represent members of the NSW Police Force who had seen active military service in the Great War (1914 - 1918). The NSW Police RSL sub-Branch represents all current members of the New South Wales Police Force and/or Police Forces of other Nations, and those members who are retired or honourably discharged from such Police Force, providing they have served in the Australian Defence Force, or served with or supported, or were otherwise engaged with the Australian Defence Force, or the Armed Forces of its Allies for at least 6 months. The sub-Branch also represents all current and former members of those Police Forces who have been deployed overseas with various United Nations or international peace keeping operations.
Phone:02 9331-5455
Email: NSW-PoliceSB@rslnsw.org.au
The foyer of the Sydney Police Centre has an addition of a new plaque displayed adjacent to the WW1 and WW2 Honour Rolls.
Recently Bruce Howe and Ian Granland have been compiling a list of Police who had been required to serve in the Royal Australian Army in Vietnam. During 2021, the NSW Government sought applications for financial grants to assist organisations with projects, including memorials. As Bruce Howe is the Secretary of the NSW Police RSL sub-Branch, he applied for a grant to purchase and erect a bronze plaque. The application was successful. It was considered that the plaque should include not only serving sworn Police, but also administrative staff who underwent National Service and served in South Vietnam. The issue of police who served in other areas, including peacekeepers, was considered, and it was decided to add two National Service Police officers who had served in Borneo and Malaysia.
An addendum was adopted acknowledging the NSW Police RSL sub-Branch and those police who had served in South East Asia prior to joining the NSWPF.
Two senior police officers deserve special mention: Rex Anderson and William (Barney) Ross undertook an unusual form of service with the ADF in South Vietnam, being seconded to the Army to undertake an investigation into the murder of two Army sergeants and the wounding of another. The plaque is shown below.

The NSW Police RSL sub-Branch conducted a Remembrance Day Service in the McQueen Auditorium at the Sydney Police Centre on 11 November 2021.
Guests included Police Chaplain, Reverend Suzanne Avery; Superintendent John Duncan, representing the New South Wales Police Force; Gary Merryweather, Chairman, NSW Police Legacy; Tony King, President of the Police Association of NSW; Paul Biscoe, President of the Retired & Former Police Association; and Col Dyson, representing the Police Bank.
During the service, wreaths were placed under the Honour Roll, located in the foyer of the Police Centre. Shown at left is the President of the sub-Branch, Mervyn Morgan, about to place a wreath under the World War Honour Rolls.
More pictures of those attending the ceremony appear under the heading "Remembrance Day".